Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Musical Instrument Set

These 6 charming, handmade instruments produce a wonderful variety of musical woody sounds. The 25cm cactus rainstick is made by a Chilean cooperative from the deadwood of the eulychina plant, a natural amplifier. Cactus needles and small pebbles in the hollow tube create the soothing sound of soft rain on a hot tin roof. The Vietnamese frog is made from the wood of the fast growing jackfruit tree. Stroke his back with the stick provided to bring the music of the tropical forest right into your home. The Zimbabwean 3-pod maraca is made from the dried hosha fruit. The Moroccan flute is made by burning and holing short pieces of bamboo. The Cha Cha’s are made from semilla seeds sewn together and are incredibly tactile; and together with the small panpipes were sourced from the Andes of Peru.

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